I don't blog enough and I'm not exactly sure why. I love writing but I guess it's just talking about me that I'm not so into. How can I find enough interesting about my own life to write about it? The truth is that I struggle to. However sometimes there are issues that really bother me or really make me feel like I should talk about them but... I don't. At least I don't bring them to my blog.
I used to be a blogger. I used to make posts all the time and keep people updated and informed on what I thought was important but that all dissipated a few years ago. I think, however, that I know the source. It was around the time I started going on GM. There are so many people there that I share a closeness with, deep friendships, love even, that I don't have to go elsewhere with my problems. I make a post in Rants and Raves or in General Chinwagging and then I wait; within a few hours someone has responded in a way that seems to put my whole mind at ease.
Be it a Volatile Topic or Influential Moment I know that I can bring it to GM and in the end my every word will be read, considered, and responded to. I love that sense of community. I love being a part of something so beautiful, so strong, so connected.
Why do I have a blog here now though? After three years of being intimately involved with GM why is it that I've finally decided to take my thoughts, feelings, problems, and joys into the real world again? Well I'll have you notice that in three months of being on here I've made a total of three posts (four when I'm done with this one) I still take the majority of my life to GM. It's just that now there are people in my life that I've rediscovered and I want to have that closeness with more people.
I finally figured out that nobody is going to understand me, get me, or even try the way the people at GM do if I don't try. So, that's what I'm doing, I'm trying. I'm trying to make a bigger impression on the people whose lives I'm in. I'm trying to realize that they are not just in MY life but that I am in THEIR lives and if I want them to reach out to me I have to reach a little first.
So yeah. I'm trying.
We'll see how far it goes or even if it's worth it. I like my friends though and I like my life where it is now. There are ups and there are downs; there always are. As far as the interpersonal aspect of my life goes, I couldn't be happier.
I guess the point of this whole post was that for years I've been lost in another world, but I like it there. I don't ever intend to leave. It's just that now... now I intend to broaden my world a bit to include everyone I care about. So yeah... I'm going to try to let more people in.
Jon and Kate Plus 8
15 years ago
You've made an amazing impression on me and you know how much I trust you and how little I say those words.
I don't think you realize how amazing you are.
There is alot to be said for blogging. It seems like you(me,everyone) blogs about deep feelings and opinions that never really come up in conversation. Reading your blog for me (even how few posts there are) makes me feel like I get to see a side of you I otherwise wouldn't have seen. It makes me feel closer to you.
I known you for a seriously short space of time, in the grand scheme of things, and yet I feel like I've known you so much longer!
Like Jodie said *points up* you've made a huge impact on me, too! My project probably would never have happened if you hadn't expressed an interest in the idea and actually made me think that it could just work.
And, well, you're awesome - whatever world you decide to live in :P.
With regards to the lack of blogging? *Looks at self* HELLOOOOO! I beat you there. But anyway, whenever you do blog you always have something to say that makes me think a little, and I love that.
I believe the saying goes: it's quality, not quantity that matters...
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