Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Theology and things.

Why is it that I always find the most inspiration for updating this blasted log after I read Jodie's? I guess because she's just so damn intellectual it just makes me want to be smarter too! Nah, I really don't know what it is. Probably that we both just spend a considerable amount of time thinking about similar things. I'll have to admit that the theological slant her blog took in the last post was interesting to me, at the very least. I'm not saying that she was being all preachy, she wasn't. I'm not saying there was anything at all wrong with it, there wasn't. Just that I spend a lot of time thinking about the subject and my views on it.

I'm not going to comment on the things that Jodie had to say, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion and if I want to comment on it I can always do that in the privacy of instant messenger and not in a public forum, like my blog. So, what is it exactly that I am going to do today? Talk about MY theological viewpoint, that's what.

I've made a few blog posts about the same thing over the years though I'm not sure if anyone has ever grasped what I was trying to say. Yes, I am a religious person. I very outwardly ascribe to the Christian faith. I'm not, however, one of those closed minded peons that doesn't understand or respect other faiths. I believe, more than anything, that people need some sort of faith, whatever it is. I'm not saying that we're all incapable of functioning without, but having a blind devotion to something is healthy, I think. As long as you don't take it too far. Suspending your skepticism is healthy, I guess that's what I was trying to say. So yeah, in order to truly feel and emote, I find religion necessary.

Besides it teaches us all sorts of things. Again, I'm not talking about Christianity, just all faiths. The essential pillars of every predominant religion (and every even less predominant religion I've studied) teach basic kindness and morality. What's so wrong with that? I don't understand why so many religious groups feud and why Christians have to hate Islam and Jews have to hate Catholicism. In the end all the religion is trying to teach us is that we should treat others with love and respect. Honestly what's wrong with that?

As for MY religious standing? Not hard, I believe in God and I like that I do. It's not to say, however, that I haven't questioned the validity of claims that God does exist. I mean, there really isn't any proof. But, I guess it's the way I feel about him and religion that lets me know he's real. The way I feel safe when I turn to him. See? I AM religious. Yes I question the existence of the big man, but in the end I believe. My proof lies in the fact that I feel like the world is such a miracle and all life is. I feel safer believing he's there, but that's not all. Life, life in general. It's so complex and hard to believe that it just poofed into existence without a catalyst.

Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm still being childish and ascribing to the beliefs that my grandmother tried to instill in me. Maybe I haven't developed enough in my moral persona to question the beliefs that my family tried to teach me. Maybe I'm clinging to the Sunday school lessons I used to sit though every week back when my life was still a little normal. Perhaps that's it, and I've often thought this, that the only reason I have such an attachment to my religion is because it was one of the only high points of my life as a small child. Then again, maybe it's something more.

But, in the end, I like my religious beliefs and ascribing to a faith in a higher power. I also really feel like religion is good for people on an individual basis. As I previously stated, I feel like it's good for people to have something to believe in. I think it has a theraputic effect on people and has a way of calming them in intense situations. I dunno, maybe I'm crazy.

And I do try to respect all religions though I struggle with some. I have to admit that there are a few strands of belief that I really just can't get my mind around and though outwardly I try to respect the individual right to his or her own belief, internally I sometimes struggle to respect those beliefs as much as I could. But, I suppose that's a thought for another day. I don't wanna talk myself into losing friends. But that's why I've dedicated so much of my time to studying religion, so I can understand.

In all I'll leave with this: I'm a religious person and I'm proud of it.


adorelo said...

Lol, you're a dork.

I think we do follow the same thought patterns.... we're strange like that *hugs*

It's too early in the morning for me to properly take it all in, but I agree with the parts I could comprehend :P.

J x

adorelo said...

Ohhh you added more :)

And it got more insightful! And deep, and so gaddam perfect it makes me want to cry. You put exactly what I was thinking and feeling into more concise words then I ever could.

God, I love that you can do that.