Monday, April 21, 2008

A Whole New World- Of Blogging..!

Dearest Readers,

I’ve grown wary of livejournal and frankly have little going on in my life these days that I find I have any interest in sharing with my livejournal friends. Either I’ll call them up and tell them in person or I won’t. Plus being that I’m as active in the fanfiction community as I am I frequently worry that people from the net are going to go looking to my livejournal for some of my work and find my more personal blog. I’ve never used blogging as anything but a very personal, private, venue for expressing my thoughts, fears, and joys to myself and a select few friends. However, just like my friendships, I have adapted and evolved a lot in the years since 11th grade when I first started posting on livejournal. To put it simply, it’s time for a change.

This blog won’t be discriminatory as my last was. While in previous years I’ve been adamant that only the friends I know in "real life" would be allowed to view my blogs I’ve changed my opinion on this. The close friends that truly matter to me know that I’m an internet geek be they internet or real friends. It’s my opinion that in this technological age people are going to get to know a number of others on the net as well as in person. I shouldn’t worry what people think of me because I have important people in my life that I have only known on the internet. Friendships are friendships no matter what form they take. So, now I hope that my real life and my internet friends will both take up Blogspot blogging as a pastime and will even co-mingle on my page. If I care about you, well, I want to show you off to the world.

What is it that I think I have to talk about that’s worth posting on the internet? Any number of things. I’m sure that as the year progresses you’re bound to see a lot of my opinions, rants, and raves about the presidential race. I have always been very politically opinionated and that’s not going to change any time soon, I’m sure. Other things I might talk about? My personal life will come up some, I’m sure. While I may not use this in the same fashion I used my livejournal I’m sure that when something is happening in my life that I feel is important, I’m sure I’ll talk about it. Most of the time I’ll probably be talking about books, movies, tv shows, or songs that happen to catch my fancy. Even more often I’m probably going to be talking about songs or other forms of media that happen to have caught my attention and paralleled my current feelings about some issue. We’ll see.

While I do have some things I’d like to talk about this is just the obligatory new blog introductory post so I’ll save all of that for next time. Happy reading all!
